উত্তাল মার্চ

Picture of Grandmother : Completing Story

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

In an afternoon, grandmother was knitting a scarf under a mango tree in the yard. Romim, her grandson suddenly came running to her with an old photograph in his hand....................

Picture of Grandmother

In an afternoon, grandmother was knitting a scarf under a mango tree in the yard. Romim, her grandson suddenly came running to her with an old photograph in his hand. which he found in the box of old things. He asked his grandmother whose picture it was. The picture, so far guessed, was of a girl having long, loose hair, and wearing a long dress that nearly covered her ankles. The picture was actually hers, but she tried to conceal the truth out of shyness. She was talking laughingly that the picture was of a girl, whom she disclosed, knew very well. She went on to say that the girl was a wicked one. She stopped talking about the girl and started talking about the picture instead. She was going on to say that the picture was taken in his grandfather’s house about sixty years back. The lady, though trying to avoid telling him the fact, her grandson Romim understood that the picture was his grandmother’s. But he failed to convince her to tell the real identity.

গুরুত্বপূর্ণ শব্দার্থ :
grandmother – দাদী; knit – বোনা; scarf – ওড়না; yard – উঠান; grandson – নাকি; so far – এ পর্যন্ত; wear – পরিধান করা; cover – আবৃত করা, ঢাকা; ankle – গিট, গোড়ালী; conceal – গোপন করা; shyness – লাকুকতা; laughingly – সহাস্যবদনে; disclose – ফাঁস করা, প্রকাশ করা; wicked – দুষ্ট; instead – পরিবর্তে; avoid – এড়িয়ে যাওয়া; fail – ব্যর্থ হওয়া; convince – বোঝানো; real identity = প্রকৃত পরিচয়।


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