আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস

Story : A Hare and A Tortoise / Slow And Steady Wins The Race

Write down the theme of the following story (Not more than 50 words)

A Hare and A Tortoise
Slow And Steady Wins The Race

“Why do you move along so slowly?” said a hare to a tortoise. “Let me show you how to get over the ground.” “You think I am slow, do you?” replied the tortoise. “Let us run a race to the cross-roads. I think I an beat you.”

“Do you hear that?” said the hare to a fox, who was standing near.

“Could anyone even think that such a slow-coach could beat me in a race?”

“It would be a good joke if he did.” said the fox. “Do you wish to run a race? I will be the judge, if you care to have me.”

“That suits me wel.” answered the hare.

“I agree.” said the tortoise.

So the fox marked off a place for starting, and set up a stake at the goal.

The hare and the tortoise stood side by side, and at the command. “Go!”, from the fox, they began the race.

The hare bounded along and was very soon far hear of the tortoise. He said to himself, “I think I shall take a little nap before I finish the race; the tortoise will not reach hare for an hour or more.” So he lay down in some bushes and went to sleep.

Every minute brought the tortoise a little nearer to the goal. He did not stop for a second.

At last he passed the hare, but the hare still slept. On and on he plodded; it was long way, but he had no thought of stopping.

He came nearer to the goal . At last his foot touched the stake.

The hare wakened, stretched himself, and leaped toward the goal.

“What, you here!” he cried when he saw the tortoise. “How did you ever reach here?”

“Just by keeping at it.” said the tortoise.

The Theme : The theme of the story is that slow and steady wins the race. Someone may be fast in their activities, while others may be slow. But, if someone who is fast is not steady in their action cannot reach their goal and as a result his fast speed can avail no goodness for him. On the other hand, if someone who is slow is steady, then he can reap a result and thus can do better.

(গল্পটির বিষয়বস্তু হচ্ছে ধীর এবং অবিচলরাই জয়ী হয়। কেউ কেউ কাজকর্মে দ্রুতগতির হতে পারে আবার অন্যরা ধীরগতির। কিন্তু দ্রুতগতির ব্যক্তিটি যদি তার কাজে অবিচল না হয় তবে সে তার লক্ষ্যে পৌঁছতে পারে না এবং ফলে তার দ্রুত গতি তাঁর জন্য মঙ্গল বয়ে আনতে পারে না। পক্ষান্তরে ধীর গতির ব্যক্তিটি যদি অবিচল হয় তবে সে ফল পেতে পারে এবং উন্নতি করতে পারে।)

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