আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস

Email to brother describing importance of physical exercise

Your younger brother does not know the importance of physical exercise.

Now, write an email to him describing the importance of physical exercise.

To : emon @ myallgarbage.com
Cc : .........................................................
Bcc : .........................................................
Subject : Necessity of physical exercise.

Dear Emon,
I have just received your mail and come to know that you are not keeping fit for these days. I am worried about your health.

Progress in studies is possible only when you have a sound body with a sound mind. I don’t think you take regular physical exercise. Actually, physical exercise is essential to keep a good health. So, to be an energetic Youngman, you have to take regular physical exercise. There are many sorts of exercises, such as walking, swimming, running, playing games and sports, etc. You may start with walking. However, if you do so, you will remain free from a number of diseases and be able to study more with utter interest. It will give you a feeling of joy and cheerfulness. You know a strong physique is the outcome of hygiene, food habit, and regular physical exercise.

No more today.

With best wishes,

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