পহেলা বৈশাখ

Letter to someone on your aim in life

Write a letter to your friend ‘R’ telling him why you want to be a teacher.

Suppose you are ‘A’ of Dhaka College hostel. The aim of your life is to become a teacher. You have many good reasons in favour of your aim. Your friend ‘R’ wants to know why you want to become a teacher.

Dhaka College Hostel
July 23, 2020

My dear ‘R’,
Your letter is just a wonderful piece of writing. It has given me immense delight. In your letter, you have expressed your desire to know why I want to be a teacher. You are very close to me. From my childhood, I had great regard for teaching profession. My father who is a school teacher has inspired me to take this profession. It is a noble and dignified profession, I think. My father always says that a teacher can give real service to his country through teaching. I’ve also got inspiration from my teachers. Their inspirations have left an effect on me and I have come to believe that nothing can be nobler than to build up the character of the future generation. Another reason behind my choice is that the profession of a teacher is noble and his life is a dedicated one. Moreover, 80% of our people have no light on education. So I want to give them the light of education and make them good citizens. For all these reasons, I want to be a teacher.

No more today. More when we meet. I am well. Please convey my regard to your parents and love to young ones.

Yours ever,

-------Same letter collected from another book-------

Write a letter to your father telling him about your aim in life.

96/A, Sadar Road
12 April 2020

My dear Father,
I received your letter. I am sorry for not replying to it earlier because I was busy with my studies. You have asked me about my aim in life. 

Well, I have decided to be a school teacher, Perhaps you will be surprised considering the miserable condition of teachers in our country. But believe me, I am quite serious and sincere about it. Teacher is ill-touch of civilization receiving education from teachers. They build up a pure heritage following the lofty idealism of teachers. None but teachers can eradicate illiteracy from the country. My ambition is to play my humble part in this important task. I have firm confidence in my ability. So, I propose to dedicate myself to the service of our tender boys and girls. 

I am fine. With best wishes to mother and grandma and love to Mithila. 

Your affectionate son,


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