আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস

Letter to friend informing about the Padma Bridge

Suppose, you have a friend in the UK. He came to know about the Padma Bridge from internet which is the sixth largest bridge in the world.

Now, write a letter to your friend informing him about the Padma Bridge.


Dear Millan,
I received your letter yesterday. I’m glad that you have already know something about our dreamy Padma Bridge. Yes, it is the sixth largest bridge in the world at present.

The Padma Bridge was a dream project of Bangladesh. It is a multipurpose road-rail-bridge over one of the largest rivers of the country, the Padma. It connects Louhajong, Munshiganj t Shariatpur and Madaripur, linking the south west of the country, to the northern and eastern regions. The construction work began on 7 December 2014 by China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Company Limited. The construction opened for public on 25 June 2022. Bangladesh constructed the bridge with its own resources. There are other utilities like gas transmission lines, optical fiber and telephone lines, and high electric lines through the bridge. Though the estimated preliminary cost was BDT 91.72 Million, at last, the cost was BDT 3,01,933.88 Million to complete the project. The bridge boosted the GDP of Bangladesh.

You’ll find more information about the bridge on the internet. No more today. Write to me earlier.

Your loving friend,

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