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Paragraph : Looking for a Job

Looking for a Job

To look for a job is a tiresome experience. One has to go from office to office to get a job. There may not be any vacancies at any office. If there is vacant post, it is not easy to get job. There is strong competition everywhere. A job seeker has to be competent is every field to get job. He must have proper qualification. He has to seek for new advertisements for vacant posts. After that he has to apply for the post to the proper authority. He has to appear at the written or viva-voce test to qualify for the job. A job seeker has to be energetic and active. He ahs also to be smart. To look for a job is also challenging. To get it, we need to go through a number of process. As unemployment is a curse, job seekers have to forbear excruciating pains to get his desired job.

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