উত্তাল মার্চ

Dialogue about how Abu Sayed was Shot Death

About how Abu Sayed was Shot Death in the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement 2024.
(বৈষম্য বিরোধী ছাত্র আন্দোলনে শহীদ আবু সাঈদকে কিভাবে গুলি করে হত্যা করা হয়েছিলো সে সম্পর্কে একজন সহযোদ্ধা ও প্রতিবেদকের মধ্যে সংলাপ।)

Reporter : Asif, thank you for speaking with me today. I know this is a painful time, but can you tell us what happened when Abu Sayed was shot during the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement?

Asif : Thank you. It’s hard to talk about. We were peacefully protesting, demanding a fair, merit-based system. But suddenly, the police showed up and tried to disperse us aggressively.

Reporter : I understand. What happened next?

Asif : The situation escalated quickly. Abu Sayed was standing beside me, chanting and holding a sign, completely unarmed. He was determined, but peaceful, like the rest of us. Then, a group of policeman started moving toward us. They didn’t warn us; they just came closer with weapons ready.

Reporter : So, they opened fire without warning?

Asif : Yes, without any warning. I saw one of the officers aimed his gun at Abu Sayed and fired from a close distance. It was horrifying, inhuman, Sayed fell immediately- there was nothing we could do. It all happened so fast.

Reporter : That must have been devastating. How did the crowd react?

Asif : People were in shock. Some screamed, others tried to run.

Reporter : I’m so sorry for your loss. Why do you think this incident has sparked such an intense reaction from people across the country.

Asif : Because Abu Sayed’s Death wasn’t just an attack on him – it was an attack on our right to speak, to demand a fairer society.

Reporter : Thank you, Asif.

Asif : Thank you too.

Word Meaning (শব্দার্থ) :
Discrimination – বৈষম্য। peacefully – শান্তিপূর্ণভাবে। merit-based – মেধাভিত্তিক। disperse – ছত্রভঙ্গ করা। aggressively – সহিংসভাবে। escalate – বৃদ্ধি পাওয়া, বাড়া। determined – দৃঢ়প্রত্যয়ী। inhuman – অমানবিক। intense – তীব্র। dissent – ভিন্নমত, মতবিরোধ। Oppression – নিপীড়ন, অত্যাচার, নির্যাতন।
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