পহেলা বৈশাখ

Letter to friend about your aim in life

Imagine, you are Nitu/Zishan of 105, Santinagar Road, Dhaka-1200. One of your bosom friends named Rahim/Ruma, who lives at 86, Sobani Ghat, Sylhet, is eager to know about your aim in life.

Now, write a letter to your friend about your aim in life.
(জীবনের লক্ষ্য বা উদ্দেশ্য জানিয়ে বন্ধুকে পত্র।)

10 March 2023

105, Shantinagar Road

Dear Ruma,
Thank you for your letter in which you wanted to know about my aim in life. In this letter, I want to tell you about the aim of my life. 

You know that the distressed (দূর্দশাগ্রস্ত) people of our country die without proper medical care. This is because there is a great shortage of doctors in our villages. I have, therefore, made up my mind to be a doctor to serve these unfortunate rural folks. I do not like to earn money to be rich but to live somehow retaining the manner and character unstained (কলঙ্কমুক্ত).

Please write to me about your aim in life.

Yours ever

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