Jack of all trades (All-knowing, সর্বজান্তা, a man who pretends to know everything) – Take your car to a trained mechanic, not a jack of
all trades. / He is a jack of all trades but master of
Jam tomorrow (আমাগীর আশায় ছলনা – a fake promise) – I am tired of working for a firm that kept promising
me a large salary in the future- jam tomorrow.

Jaundiced eye (বিদ্বেষপরায়ণ ও সংশয়গ্রস্ত দৃষ্টি / পক্ষপাতদুষ্ট দৃষ্টি – biased view, Jealously, ঈর্ষা, বিকৃত দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি) – You cannot judge a
thing with a jaundiced eye. / He judged me with a
jaundiced eye. / One who looks at others with a jaundiced eye can never be happy.
Jakyll and Hyde (ভালো গুণ, মন্দ গুণ দুটোই আছে এমন ব্যক্তি – Someone with
both an evil and good personality) – Swarna is very gentle ad soft, but she can be cruel
something – she is a real Jekyll and Hyde.
Jiggery-pokery (গোপন এবং অসৎ কার্যাবলী – secret and dishonest
activities) – We suspect there is some financial jiggery-pokery
going on in the accounts department.
Job lot (এক সাথে কেনা বা বিক্রীত জিনিস – a collection of objects
that are bought or sold together as a group) – I bought a job lot of furniture at an auction.
Job’s comforter (সান্ত্বনা দিতে গিয়ে মন আরো খারাপ করে যে – someone who
makes matters worse when trying to comfort or console
someone) – She’s a real job’s comforter, she keeps telling me
I’m going to die soon anyway so I shouldn’t worry about
Joe Bloggs (সাধারণ লোক – an ordinary person) – He was never a VIP always a joe bloggs in party.
Joe Blow (সাধারণ লোক – an ordinary person) – Even Joe Blow now use a mobile phone.
Jog trot (একঘেয়ে মন্দগতি – monotonous pace) – They are advancing in a jog trot with their business.
John Bull (আদর্শ বা নমুনা ইংরেজ – a typical English man) – To be a John Bull for a foreigner is almost
John Hancock (স্বাক্ষর – signature) –
Put your John Hancock at the last of your CV.
Join battle (লড়াই শুরু করা – to begin fighting) – The two groups of students came face to face and
joined battle.
Joking apart (ক্ষণকালের জন্য ঐকান্তিক – being serious for a moment) – Joking apart I need a holiday.
Judgement call (ভাবনার বিষয়, বুদ্ধি খাটিয়ে সিদ্ধান্ত নিতে হবে এমন একটা
ব্যাপার – a decision demanding judgement, consideration or
using intelligence) – It’s a judgement call – whether I attend the meeting
or not.
Jump the gun (গুলি ছোড়ার পূর্বেই দৌড় শুরু – to start before
starting signal) – When we took the test, Tareq jumped the gun and started
Jump the queue (নিজের পালা আসার আগেই সারিতে যাওয়া – to appear before
coming one’s turn) – Many important people try to jump the queue for
hospital beds.
Just around the corner (খুব কাছাকাছি – very near) – The two brothers live just around the corner.
Just the job (সম্পূর্ণরূপে উপযোগী – highly suited) –
These gloves are just the job for playing cricket.
Just the ticket (পুরোপুরি উপযোগী, যা প্রয়োজন তাই – to be perfect for a
particular purpose, exactly what is required) – That jacket was just the ticket for wet weather.
Jack up something
(তাৎক্ষণিকভাবে কোনো কিছু বাড়াতে) – The company wait until their customers
have high amount on their account and then they jack up
their interest rates.
Jack something up
(তাৎক্ষণিকভাবে কোনো কিছু বাড়াতে, To instantly increase
something) – The company wait until their customers
have high amount on their account and then they jack up
their interest rates.
Jump at an officer
(সানন্দে গ্রহণ) – Rubi jumped at the
officer of the post of manager.
Just as much
(সমপরিমাণ) – During our Liberation
War, there were many who could not use the guns; but they
used their pen with just as much effect.
Jail bird
(জেলঘুঘু, অভিজ্ঞ কয়েদী) – He is a
notorious jail bird the judge did not show any mercy to him.
Join in with
(অংশগ্রহণ করা) – We requested him to
join in with us, but he preferred to act
Jump to a conclusion
(না ভেবেচিন্তে সিদ্ধান্ত করা) – Don't jump to the conclusion that Ravi
does not care for you only because he could not help you
this time.
Just the thing
(একদম ঠিক, যথার্থ) – You are being
critical but in my opinion, Arun's appointment to this post
is just to myself.
Jump at an offer
(Accept eagerly, সানন্দে গ্রহণ করা) – The lady secretary Jumped at the offer
of the post of marketing manager.
অধিক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ
Jack of all trades – All knowing বা
সবজান্তা, Someone who can do many different types of
Jaundiced eye – Jealously অর্থাৎ,
হিংসা বা ঈর্ষা করা, বিকৃত দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি।
Jog trot – Slow motion বা ধীর গতিতে
Jump through hoops – To do something
complicated অর্থাৎ জটিল করা।