Part and parcel (অবিচ্ছেদ্য অংশ) – Discipline is part
and parcel of one’s life. / A library is part and parcel of a school.
Pros and cons (ভালোমন্দ দু’দিকই, সমস্যার উভয়দিক, ভালমন্দ, Details,
খুঁটিনাটি, Advantages and disadvantages, সুবিধা-অসুবিধা) – Carefully consider the pros and cons of the question. / Don't
pester me about your appointment. I shall take a decision only after weighing
the pros and cons of the matter. / I know the pross and cons of the
Pay lip service (কেবল মুখের কথা দেয়া) – He pays only
lip service to the member of the club but really doesn’t think much of them.
Pull through (ধাক্কা সামলানো) – He was seriously ill
but has pulled through.
Put off (খুলে ফেলা) – Please put off your bad-smelling
shocks. / He put off his shoe.
Paper tiger
(A person who appears to be powerful but who is not, কাগুজে বাঘ) – He shouted a lot with threats and actions but ultimately
proved to be a paper tiger.
Patch up
(Settle a dispute and be friends again, বিবাদ মিটিয়ে আগের মতন বন্ধু হয়ে
যাওয়া) – Let us patch up our dispute. (চল আমাদের বিবাদ মিটিয়ে আগের মতন
বন্ধু হয়ে যাই।)
Passing strange (অত্যন্ত আশ্চর্যজনক ঘটনা) – Rakesh
has turned out to be spying for the enemy! It's passing strange.
Pay one back in his own coin
(যেমন কর্ম তেমন ফল) – Don't play tricks on his, otherwise,
he will pay you back in your own coin.
Pay the debt of nature (মারা যাওয়া) – We all will
have to pay the debt of nature.
Palmy days (সুদিন, সুসময়, Good time) – False friends
are available on palmy days.
Pandora's box
(A present winch seems valuable but in reality a curse, বিড়ম্বনাপূর্ণ
উপহার) – His words proved to be Pandora's box.
Paddle one's own canoe (নিজের উপর নির্ভরশীল) – One
should paddle one's own canoe in taking
Pack up a quarrel (বিবাদ মীমাংসা করা) – The two
brothers packed up their quarrels.

Pack of lies (ডাঁহা মিথ্যা) – He said a pack of lies
to prove himself innocent.
Pass away (মারা যাওয়া) – He passed away in 2004.
Pave the way (পথ তৈরি করা) – Education paves the way
to succeed in life.
Peer over (মাথা উঁচানো) – The hills in Chittagong
just peer over the edge of a road.
Penny wise and pound foolish
(বজ্র আঁটুনি ফসকা গেরো) – Only a miser adopts a penny wise
and pound foolish policy.
Pin money
(স্বামীর দ্বারা স্ত্রীকে প্রদত্ত হাতখরচ) – She saved her
pin money.
Pillar to post (এক জায়গা থেকে অন্য জায়গা) – All his
life he has been driven from pillar to post.
Pick a lock (তালাভাঙ্গা) – The burger picked the
lock and broke into the house.
Pick and chose (সঠিক নির্বাচন) – He is experienced
enough to pick and choose the right job.
Piek one's pocket (পকেট মারা) – A pick pocket tried
to-Pick my pocket in the crowded market.
Pick a quarrel (ঝগড়া বাধানো) – Don't pick a quarrel
with others.
Pinch of salt (সতর্কতা) – Use a blade with pinch of
salt lest you should get a scratch.
Pick a quarrel with (গায়ে পড়ে ঝগড়া করা) – The
soldier was furious over his insulting remark and was determined to pick a
quarrel with the sailor.
Pick holes (ত্রুটি বার করা) – Scientists tried to
pick holes in his theory.
Pick pocket (পকেট মারা) – A young boy was arrested
by the police for picking a man's pocket.
Pick up the tale (অন্যের খরচাপাতি দেওয়া) – When he
went abroad to attend an international conference, his company picked up the
Pin something on (কাউকে দায়ী করা) – Despite his best
efforts, the public prosecutor could not pin the robbery on the accused.
Pink of condition (উত্তম স্বাস্থ্য) – If you want to
make a name as an athlete you must be in the pink of condition.
Piping hot (অত্যধিক গরম, তেল জাতীয় গরম) – I always
prefer to have my tea piping hot.
Play / make ducks and drakes
(Waste, squander, অপচয় করা, নয় ছয় করা) – Do not play ducks
and drakes with your parents hard earned money.
Plain sailing (Easy, সহজ ও সমস্যাহীন) – I found it
plain sailing here.
Play tricks (ছলচাতুরী করা) – Do not play tricks with
Play truant (স্কুল পালানো) – You will fail in the
examination if you play truant from school.
Plough through (পথ কেটে এগিয়ে যাওয়া) – Ships and
other vessels plough through the bosom of the oceans.
Pluck up one's heart (সাহস সঞ্চয় করা) – You should pluck
up your heart to face any sort Of problem.
Play a trick on (কারো সাথে চালাকি করা) – The boys
tried to play a trick on the professor, but he was too clever for them.
Play fast and loose with (কাজে গাফলতি করা) – You
promised to stitch my shirt by today. But you haven't. How can you play fast
and lose with your promises like this?
Play second fiddle (নিম্নস্তরে জায়গা নেওয়) – He
always plays second fiddle.
Play something by the ear (আন্দাজে কাজ করা) – As I
did not know much of subject, I decided to play it by the ear rather than
show my ignorance by asking a lot of questions.
Play the game (নিয়মানুসারে চলা) – Whatever you do,
always play the game.
Play truant (পালিয়ে যাওয়া) – Playing truant is a bad
practice among school children which should be checked at a proper stage.
Play up to (খোশামোদ করা) – Ravi plays up to every
girl he meets.
Plume oneself on (জাহির করা) – Vikas always plumes
himself on his record in mathematics.
Pocket an insult (মুখবুজে সহ্য করা) – A debtor,
unable to pay, has too often pocket insults from his creditor.
Poet laureate (রাজকবি) – Wordsworth was the poet
laureate for England during the early nineteenth century.
Point blank (তৎক্ষনাত) – When I asked him to loan me
200 rupees, he refused point blank.
Poison the mind (কারোর বিরুদ্ধে লাগানো) – Ramesh
tried to poison my mind against Umesh.
Point blank (স্পষ্টভাবে, Directly, Bluntly) – I told
him point blank that I could not agree to his proposal.
Pour cold water on (নিরুৎসাহিত করা) – He always
pours cold water in my plan.
Pore one's eyes out (পড়ে পড়ে চোখ ব্যথা করা) – Good
students never pore their eyes out just before the examination.
Provide against a rainy day
(অসময়ের জন্যে সঞ্চয় করা) – Wise men save to provide against
a rainy day.
Provide with (যোগানো) – The government can not
provide all children with education.
Prick up one's ears (কান খাড়া করা) – The deer
pricked up his ears at the sound.
Puppet in the hands of (হাতের পুতুল) – Students are
puppets in the hands of politicians.
Pull well with (ভাল সম্পর্ক) – The new teacher is
pulling well with his students.
Put a stop to (বন্ধ করা) – He had to put a stop to his
studies because of his poverty.
Put into practice (কাজে লাগানো) – One should put
into practice what one says.
Put forward (পেশ করা) – He put forward forceful
argument for his absence.
Put out (নেভানো) – Please put out the reading lamp.
Put together (একত্রীকরণ) – We put together different
sounds to make words and sentences.
Pull one's punches (ঠাণ্ডা মাথায় কাজ করা) – When I
complained to the neighbour about his vicious dog, I did not pull any
Pull one's weight (পুরো দায়িত্ব পালন করা) – If you
do not pull your weight you will be sacked.
Pull oneself together (নিজের ওপর দখল আনা) – You
can't go on weeping like this over bad results. Pull yourself together.
Pull well with (মিলেমিশে কাজ করা) – I resigned from my job
because I could not pull will with my ill-tempered boss.
Put a spoke in one's wheel
(উন্নতির পথে বাঁধা দেওয়া) – Babu Ram was getting on well in
business till Lala Ram opened a rival establishment and thus put a spoke in
his wheel.
Put down in black and white (লিখিতভাবে রাখা) – I am
not lying. The evidence is here in black and white.
Put it to one (রায়/ সিদ্ধান্ত চাওয়া) – I put it to
you, is it wise to squander money like this.
Put on trial (মামলা করা) – Although Ram hadn't
stolen any money he was put on trial.
Put on out on his guard (সাবধান করে দেওয়া) – As the
robber saw the watchman he put his accomplice on his guard.
Put one out of countenance (লজ্জা দেওয়া) – My
friendly response to his hostile attitude put him out of countenance.
Put one's foot down (মানা করে দেওয়া) – I did not
mind my son spending some money on clothes, but when he asked for a hundred
rupees for a new tie, I had to put my foot down.
Put one's foot in it (বড় ভুল করা) – He put his foot
in it when he addressed the chief guest by the wrong name.
Put one's hand to a thing
(কোনো কাজ হাতে নেওয়া) – Once you put your hand to this job
you won't find it very difficult.
Put one's shoulder to the wheel
(স্বয়ং প্রয়াস করা) – It was a very tough job to be handled
by one person, but he put his shoulder to the wheel
Put Something by for a rainy day
(সঞ্চয় করে রাখা) – Don't be in a hurry to spend all your
money, put something by for a rainy day.
Put the cart before the horse
(কোনো কাজ বিপরীত করে শুরু করা) – How can you prepare the
plan before you have got the loan sanctioned. It's like putting the cart
before the horse.
Put the screw (জোর করে বন্ধ করা) – Unless you put
the screw on your extravagant expenditure you'll be in debt soon.
Put things ship shape (গুছিয়ে রাখা) – Clean the room
and put everything ship shape.
Put to bed (শুইয়ে দেওয়া) – She put her children to
Put to flight (বিতাড়িত করা) – During 1971 war the
Indian Army put up a tremendous show and put the enemy to flight.
Put to sea (সমুদ্রে যাত্রা করা) – That ship will be
put to sea tomorrow.
Put to shame (লজ্জিত করা) – I had been unfair to
him, but he put me to shame by his generous behaviour.
Put to sword (হত্যা করা) – Nadir shah put many
innocent Indians to sword.
Put up to (প্ররোচিত করা) – Who put you up to this
Put up with (সহ্য করা) – How do you put up with that
kind of noise whole day?
Pyrrhic victory
(A victory earned at too great cost, অতি কষ্টার্জিত বিজয়) – The nation offered it blood and sweet and ultimately won a
pyrrhic victory.
অধিক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ
Pandora's box – A present which seems valuable but in reality a
curse, বিড়ম্বনাপূর্ণ উপহার/ দেখতে ভাল মনে হলেও তুচ্ছ উপহার।
Pardon my french – Excuse for swear words, শপথ করার জন্যে দুঃখ
প্রকাশ করা।
Pay lip service – মিথ্যা সম্মান প্রদর্শন করা।
Pin money – স্বামীর দ্বারা স্ত্রীকে প্রদত্ত খরচ।
Play on a fiddle – সময় অপচয় করা/ Idle away time/ আলসেমি করে
সময় কাটানো।
Play truant – স্কুল থেকে পালানো।
Playing to the gallery – Cater to the public taste, মানুষের
রুচি অনুসারে কিছু দেওয়া।
Plough a lonely furrow – Do without the help of others,
অন্যের সাহায্য ছাড়া কোনো কাজ করা।
Point bank – Directly, স্পষ্টভাবে।
Post morten – Autopsy, ময়নাতদন্ত।
Pros and cons – Details, Out and out, খুঁটিনাটি।
Pull one's legs – Exert hidden influence, গোপন প্রভাব
Put up with – To tolerate, সহ্য করা।
Queer fish – Eccentric person, খেয়ালী লোক, ভাবনাহীন
ব্যক্তি, ভবঘুরে।