Quarrel with one's bread and butter
(মালিকের/অফিসারের সাথে ঝগড়া করা) – Giving it back to your
superiors is just like quarrelling with your bread and butter.Quarrel with one's bread and butter (জীবিকার কাজ ছেড়ে দেওয়া) – He took a hasty decision on the spur of the moment and quarrelled with his bread and butter.
Queer fish (অস্থির ব্যক্তি) – You never know how he might behave. He's queer fish.
Quick of understanding (তীক্ষ্ণ বুদ্ধি) – I didn't think much of him, but he was quick
of understanding and easily grasping the
Quite a few (কিছু) – Quite a few students were absent in our class today.
Quick march (Advancement, দ্রুত অগ্রসরণ) – All were astonished at the quick march of communism in Russia but now they are more astonished at its receding back.
Rank and file (সাধারণ মানুষ বা সাধারণ সৈনিক) –
Don’t ignore the rank and file. / A rank and file always obey his
Root and branch (সম্পূর্ণরূপে, সবটুকু, Entirely) – The evil has been removed root and branch. / He alone will
not be able to do the work root and branch.
Run into (নিমজ্জিত হওয়া) – He has run into debt.

Rule out (বাতিল করা, বাদ দেয়া) – The finance
investor has ruled out the possibility of inflexion.
Rack and ruin (উচ্ছনে যাওয়া, সম্পূর্ণ ধ্বংস – complete destruction) – The Pak army caused much rack and ruin in our country. / He
went to rack and ruin for keeping with bad company.
Rag Day (শিক্ষা জীবনের শেষদিন, কলেজ বা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের শিক্ষাজীবনের সমাপ্তিতে
আনন্দ-উৎসবের দিন – a funny and charming day of college life) – I remember of many a rag day of my college life. / Students
of the Master's degree enjoy their rag day.
Rain or Shine (সব রকমের আবহাওয়া, আবহাওয়া যাই থাকুক না কেন – whatever the weather is
like) – He goes for a long walk every morning rain or shine. / I
Will be here on time, rain or shine.
Read between the lines (অন্তর্নিহিত অর্থ উদ্ধার করা,তাৎপর্য বুঝা – understand the
significance) – Try to read between the lines of the letter. / His speech
was very simple, but if you read between the lines you can find it was
full of biting criticism.
Red handed (হাতে নাতে ধরা – caught or arrested on the spot) – The robbers were caught red handed by the public. / The
police caught the thief red-handed.
Red rag to a bull (যা কাউকে ভীষণ রাগিয়ে দেয় – something that makes someone very angry) – Never divulge this secret to him, because it will be a red rag to
a bull.
Red-letter day (উল্লেখযোগ্য দিবস – a memorable day) – The 26th March is a red-letter day to the people of Bangladesh.
Right and left (সবদিক দিয়ে, এলোপাথাড়ি – madly all around, to both sides) – I dropped the tennis balls and they rolled right and left.
/ We attacked our enemies right and left.
Rise and fall (উত্থানপতন – ups and downs) –
Without facing any rise and fall of life, no one can be great. / Life
has its rise and fall.
Round about (প্রায় – about) – This dress will cost
you round about one thousand taka.
Rub salt on the wound (কাটা ঘায়ে নূনের ছিটা – to make someone’s misfortune worse) –
Don’t rub salt in the wound by telling him how enjoyable the party was, as
he could not attend that.
Run across (আবিষ্কার করা – discover) – I ran
across your diary.
Rub into debt (ঋণগ্রস্ত – to get into debt) – He
runs into debt.
Run over (চাপা পড়া – over flow) – The man was run
over by a car.
Run riot (দুর্দান্ত ও আইন বিরুদ্ধভাবে আচরণ করা, বিশৃঙ্খলা করা – to act, speak
etc in an uncontrolled way) – When the teacher left the room, the children ran riot.
Run riot (অবাধে/ নির্বোধে ছড়ানো) – The poet's
imagination has run riot in this poem.
Run short of (অভাবে পড়া – suffer from want) – The
school is running short of funds.
Run wild (উচ্ছৃঙ্খল জীবনযাপন করা – to behave without control or discipline) – They let their children run wild.
Run out (ফুরিয়ে যাওয়া – to finish) – The food has
run out.
Rack one's brains (মাথা ঘামানো) – He did not
rack his brain at all in order to find a
Rank and fashion (অভিজাত সমাজ) – The so-called
rank and fashion hate the poor.
Rainy day (দুঃসময়, hard time) – we should save
money against rainy days.
Rain cats and dogs (প্রবল বৃষ্টিপাত হওয়া) – It has
been raining cats and dogs for two days.
Rack one's brains (অধিক চিন্তা করা) – I racked
my brains over this algebra problem for two hours, but could not find a
Racy style (বিশিষ্ট শৈলী) – He writes in a racy
Red letter day (স্মরণীয় দিন) – The 26th December
is a red letter day for the people of Bangladesh.
Red tape (অফিস সংক্রান্ত বাঁধা) – Because of red
tape formalities, his promotion was delayed.
Read upon (তথ্যসংগ্রহ করা) – I am reading upon
Canada as I shall be shortly visiting it.
Ready money (নগদ অর্থ) – Do you have ready money
to make the payment?
Ready pen (তাড়াতাড়ি লেখার ক্ষমতা) – A journalist
has to have a ready pen.
Real estate (অচল/স্থাবর সম্পত্তি) – The safest
investment these days is the one in real estate.
Red letter day (স্বর্ণখচিত দিন) – August 1947 is a
red letter day in Indian history.
Red tape
(লালফিতের ফাঁস, সরকারি কাজে বিলম্ব) – The red tape of
government thwarts many a promising project.
Rest on one's laurels
(যশপ্রাপ্তির চেষ্টায় তৎপর হওয়া) – It's a great
achievement to have secured a first position in University, but you must
not rest on your laurels.
Rest on one's oars
(সামান্য খ্যাতির পর চেষ্টাহীন হওয়া) – Don't rest on
your oars until you've reached the top.
Ride anchor (নোঙর ফেলা) – As soon as the ship
was about to ride anchor in the estuary (মোহনা), a terrible storm arose
and the captain suggested moving into the sea.
Right-hand man (প্রধান সাহায্যকারী) – He is the
right-hand man of the president.
Rise up to the occasion
(অনুপাতে সমান হওয়া) – Whole nation should rise up to
the occasion
Rise in arms (সশস্ত্র বিদ্রোহ) – The people of
Bangladesh rose in arms against the Pak Army.
Ride a hobby
(নিজের প্রিয় বিষয় নিয়েই কথা বলা) – I tried to converse
with him on various subjects, but he kept riding his hobby.
Right-hand man (প্রধান সহায়ক, তানহাত) – Ram
Prashad is minister's right-hand man so you can't displease him.
Right here (এখানেই) – See me right here at this
shop after half an hour.
Right now (এখনই) – Let us do it right now.
Rise like a phoenix from its ashes
(ধ্বংসের মধ্য দিয়ে) – Many time's the tyrant stamped
out revolt in his kingdom, but it kept on rising like a phoenix from its
Rise to the occasion
(কোনো উপলক্ষে তৎপর হওয়া) – During the Chinese
aggression, many people rose to the occasion and raised crores of rupees
for war efforts.
Roaring business (সফল ব্যবসায়) – Till yesterday he
was a small-time shopkeeper. But ever since he started with book trade
he has been doing roaring business.
Rough guess (মোটামুটি আন্দাজ) – At a rough guess
I would say there were about fifty people at Shyam's party.
Round dozen (পুরো এক ডজন) – This man has a round
dozen of children.
Round peg in a square whole (অযোগ্য লোক) – He is
a round peg in a square whole.
Rule of thumb
(যোগ্যতা নয় অভিজ্ঞতার আলোকে কাজ করা) – He is an
efficient mechanic although he does the job only by rule of thumb.
Rule the roost (অধিকার জমানো) – I don't like
Ashok. He always tries to rule the roost.
Ruling passion (জীবনের স্থায়ী আকাঙ্খা) – Love of
money has been the ruling passio of his life.
Run away with (প্রবাহিত করা) – If you let your
feelings run away with your judgement, you won't make a good judge.
Run away with (একই ধারণায় স্থির থাকা) – Don't
run away with the notion that I do not want to succeed.
Run away with (সহজে জয়লাভ করা – win easily) –
Rahim ran away with that bridge competition.
Run in the blood (পারিবারিক ধারায় থাকা) – Acting
runs in Kapoor family's blood.
Ran of good luck (ভাগ্য অনুকূল থাকা) – In the
beginning, he had a run of good luck and made a big profit, but has been
suffering losses now.
Run on a bank
(ব্যাঙ্ক থেকে তাড়াতাড়ি টাকা তুলে নেওয়ার আগ্রহ) – There
was run on the bank as the rumour spread that it was being closed down.
Run out of (শেষ হওয়া) – We ran out of petrol on
our way to Agra.
Run along (বরাবর) – Green hills run along the
beach at Cox's Bazar.
Run high (বেরে যাওয়া) – Tension ran high among the
Run short (ঘাটতি) – I ran short of money.
Run into debt (ঋণগ্রস্থ হওয়া) – He ran into
Run a risk (ঝুঁকি নেওয়া) – He ran a risk to save
the child from an accident.
Run to waste (Go astray, বিপথে যাওয়া) – If you
fail to guide your brilliant son in the right way, he will run to waste
by mixing with bad companies.
Rhyme or reason (যুক্তিহীন) – His logic was
without rhyme or reason.
অধিক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ
Raised his eyebrow – অবজ্ঞা করা, ভ্রু-কুচকানো।
For the rainy day – A difficult day, খারাপ/কঠিন সময়।
Rank and file – Common men, সাধারণ লোক।
Read between the lines – গভীর মনোযোগ দিয়ে পড়া।
Red handed – With proof, হাতে নাতে ধরা।
Red letter day – Memorable day, স্মরণীয় দিন, A day of
rejoicing, Bright day.
Red rag to a bull – A source of great irritation,
ক্ষেপিয়ে দেওয়ার কারণ।
Red tape – Official formalities, লাল ফিতার দৌরাত্ম, লাল
ফিতার বাঁধন, আমলাতান্ত্রিকতা বা এর ত্রুটি।
Resolve a problem – Find an answer.
Riding for a fall – Behaving such a way that his fall
is fure, পতনের পথে অগ্রসর হওয়া/ বেপরোয়া কাজ।
Road block – বাঁধা/ প্রতিবন্ধকতা, Obstacle
Round table conference – রাজনৈতিক, ব্যবসায়িক বা
অন্যান্য আলোচনা যেখানে প্রত্যেকের সমমর্যাদা ও অধিকার থাকে।
Round the clock – Twenty-four hours, সমস্ত দিন।
Rule of thumb – চলতি রীতি।
Ruling passion – Motive that dominates a person's life,
উজ্জীবনী শক্তি যা কারো জীবনে মারাত্মকভাবে প্রভাব বিস্তার করে।
Run counter – Contradict, অস্বীকার করা।
Run riot – ধৃষ্টতা, কোন কিছুর তোয়াক্কা না করা,
আইন না মানা।