Laughing stock (হাস্যাম্পদ) – He made
himself the laughing stock of all by his foolish remark.
Lame excuse (গোঁড়া অজুহাত, Bad plea, বাজে ওজর) – I cannot accept such lame excuse. / This lame excuse
will not do.
Loaves and fishes (স্বার্থ, লাভ) – He
cares only for the loaves and fishes.
Lion’s share (বেশীর ভাগ অংশ, মূখ্য অংশ, Major part, সিংহভাগ,
সর্বাপেক্ষা বেশি অংশ) – the lion’s share of our profit goes to him. / He
took the lion's share of the profit. / The lion's share
of his profit was appropriated by his financier. / He takes
the lion's share of the business.
Leave no stone unturned (Try every possible way, চেষ্টার ত্রুটি না করা) – He left no stone unturned to gain his object.
/ I left no stone unturned to finish this work in time.
Look down upon (ঘৃণা করা) – Don’t look
down upon the poor. / We should not look down upon him
just because he is poor.
Life and soul (Main support, জীবন সঞ্চারক ব্যক্তি) – Justice Shahabuddin is in the life and soul of
present government. / He is the life and soul of the
Loss the day (পরাজিত হওয়া) –
Mohammedan club lost the day in the final match with
Laid up with
(অসুখ হয়ে বিছানা নেওয়া) – He was out in the
rain yesterday and now he is laid up with cold and fever.
Lands on one's feet
(বিপদ থেকে মুক্তি পাওয়া) – It was dangerous
to dive in the air, but he finally landed on his feet.
Laughing stock
(হাসির পাত্র, উপহাসের পাত্র বানানো) – He
talked nonsense and made himself the laughing stock the
Lay bare (রহস্য উম্মোচন করা) – I
can't rest until I've laid bare his conspiracy.
Lay down the law (হুকুম চালানো) – In
his house, his wife lays down the lays.
Lay one's hands on
(দরকারে জিনিস পেয়ে যাওয়া) – I hope I'm
lucky to lay my hand on the history book, I'm looking for.
Lay oneself open to
(নিজেকে বিপদে ফেলা) – Fault finders lay
open to attack if they make a slip anywhere.

Lay up for rainy day
(অসময়ের জন্যে সঞ্চয় রাখা) – Don't spend
your money so lavishly. You should lay up something for
rainy day.
Lay down (আত্মহুতি) – Many heroic
sons laid down their lives to liberate our dear
Laughing stock (হাসির পাত্র) – A fool is
a laughing stock to others.
Lay hands on (হাত দেয়া) – It is
unwise to lay hands on others.
Lay heads together
(পরামর্শ দেওয়া) – They lay their hands
together to reach a conclusion. on others, ES
Lay figure (অচেনা) – He is a lay
figure in his own locality.
Layman (কোনো বিষয়ে কম জানা) – I am
completely a lay man in this subject.
Lay waste (ধ্বংস করা) – The invaders
will lay waste the land.
Lay claim to (দাবি করা) – If
the land is yours, why don't you lay claim to it?
Last man (শেষ ব্যক্তি) – I am the
last man to surrender.
Lag behind (পশ্চাৎপদ) – Nowadays
women of our country do not lag behind.
Last but not least
(যদিও সর্বশেষ কিন্তু কম গুরুত্বপূর্ণ নয়) – Mr Islam is a distinguished writer, a lover of
music and, last but not least, a man of finer human
Laugh in one's sleeves
(গোপন হাসা) – His unnatural behaviour made
us laugh in ours.
Lead astray (বিপথে চালানো) – A bad
company leads a person astray.
Leaf out of one's book (অনুকরণ) – Do
not be a leaf out of another's book if you want to shine in
Lead a cat and dog life
(সব সময় ঝগড়া করা) – The two neighbours lead
a cat and dog life.
Leap in the dark
(বিপজ্জনক কাজে হাত দেওয়া) – You should not
leap in the dark and fell into trouble.
Learn by heart/rote (মুখস্থ করা) – He
learnt the poem by heart.
Let alone (উল্লেখ না করা) – He cannot
walk a kilo let alone ten kilos.
Level best (সাধ্যমত) – I shall try my
level best to help you.
Length and breadth
(The whole extent, In every part or all parts of a
place/large area, সর্বত্র) – We've searched the length and breadth of the
country for a suitable candidate.
Letter and spirit
(Fully, সম্পূর্ণরূপে) – He acted up to my advice
in letter and spirit.
Let bygones be bygones
(Forget the past, অতীতকে ভুলে যাওয়া) – We
should not let bygones be bygones in our life.
Let the cat out of the bags
(Disclose the secret, গোপন কথা ফাঁস করা) – The farmer's wife
Lead a charmed life
(বিপদমুক্ত জীবনযাপন করা) – I wonder how he
has come out unscathed be leading a charmed life.
Lead a person a dance
(অনাবশ্যক কষ্ট দেওয়া) – Why don't you pay
him his dues instead of leading him a dance?
Lead by the nose
(শাসনাধীনে থাকা) – He is quite a henpecked
husband and he is lead by nose by his wife.
Leading question
(যে প্রশ্নের উত্তর অর্ন্তনিহিত রয়েছে) : The kawyer
asked the witness many a leading question.
Leave the lurch
(বিপদে সঙ্গ ত্যাগ করা) – He stood by me as
long as was well but left me in the lurch the moment he
sensed danger.
Leave much to be desired
(সন্তোষজনক না হওয়া) – The arrangements they made
for the function left much to be desired.
Leave the beaten track
(বাঁধাধরা রাস্তা থেকে সরে গিয়ে) – This
author has left beaten track and suggested a fresh look on
the age-old problem of casteism.
Leave to oneself (একলা থাকা) – At
times I prefer to be left to myself.
Left-handed compliment
(বিরূপ প্রশংসা) – It is no left-handed
compliment. You really acted very well.
Legal tender
(সরকারী স্বীকৃতি প্রাপ্ত) – Thousand rupee
notes are not legal tender any more.
Lend one's ear
(মনোযোগ দিয়ে শোনা) – Friends, lend me your
Let fly (ছুড়ে ফেলা, ছুড়ে মারা) – The
boy left fly a stone in the direction of the dog.
Let go of (ছেড়ে দেওয়া) – Don't let
go of the rope until I tell you.
Let loose
(খুলে দেওয়া, লেলিয়ে দেওয়া) – The dogs were
let loose on the running thief.
Let the grass grow under your feet
(কোনো কাজে বিলম্ব করা) – Do this work
quickly, don't let the grass grow under your feet.
Lie in one's power
(সামর্থ্যে থাকা) – I will do whatever lies
in my power to get you the job.
Lie in wait for (অপেক্ষায় থাকা) – The tiger hid and lay in
wait for its prey.
Light-fingered gentry (পকেটমার) – As
he reached his trousers pocket for his wallet he raised that
he had fallen a victim to the light-fingered gentry.
Light reading (হালকা পাঠ্য বিষয়) – I
think I'll do some light reading during train journey to
Light sleeper (ঘুমপাতলা লোক) – I am
light sleeper and even a slight sound can wake me up.
Little by little (ধীরে ধীরে) – His
health is improving, but little by little.
Lick the dust
(To be humiliated, নাকে খৎ দেওয়া, অপদস্ত হওয়া) – His vanity let him down and then he had to
lick the dust ultimately.
Live from hand to mouth
(Live a poor life, দিন আনে দিন খায়, ভবিষ্যতে কোন ব্যবস্থা
না থাকা, বহুকষ্টে জীবনধারণ করা) – The poor live from hand to mouth
(গরিবেরা দিন আনে দিন খায়).
Lie in wait (ওৎপেতে থাকা) – Tigers
lie in wait to prey upon the deer.
Likely to (সম্ভাবনা আছে) – The
School is likely to close on 10 December.
Linked to (সম্পর্কিত) – He is linked
to the matter.
Live fast (উচ্ছৃঙ্খল জীবন) – He
lives fast.
Live up to (আশানুসারে হওয়া) – Kuldip
had great expectations of his sons but he did not live up to
Live it up
(আরাম ঐশ্বর্যে থাকা) – The rich man's son
went to America and lived it up.
Lump sum (এককালীন) – The student
applied for lump grant from the poor fund.
Loaves and fishes
(ব্যক্তিস্বার্থ) – A selfish man only cares
for his own loaves and fishes.
Loom large
(ভয়াবহ হুমকি) – Environment pollution now
looms large in Bangladesh.
Loose end (বেকার) – Many young
people in our country are at a loose end.
Loose rein (লাগামহীন) – One should
not spend money with a loose rein.
Losing game (পরাজয় নিশ্চিত) – You
are playing a losing game in trying to convince him.
Lose heart (নিরাশা হওয়া) – We should
not lose heart in danger.
Losing concern
(লস হচ্ছে এমন প্রতিষ্ঠান) – Due to the lack
of proper supervision, this firm is now a losing concern.
Lost labour (নিস্ফল শ্রম) – Being
defeated, all his efforts proved to be lost labour.
Lot of (প্রচুর) – He possesses a lot
of money.
Long and short (আসল কথা) – Can you
tell me the long and short of the story.
Long since (অনেক আগে) – I have not
heard from him long since.
Look after (দেখাশুনা করা) – I look
after my parents.
Lose ground (ঘাটতি থাকা) – Our
confidence upon him is losing ground.
Long and the short
(Gist, Subtance, সারমর্ম) – The long and
the short of the story is this.
Long face
(A sad face, বিমর্ষ চেহারা) – He pulled a
long face when I rebuked him for neglect of duty
(আমি যখন তাকে কর্তক্যে অবহেলার জন্যে তিরষ্কার করলাম তখন
সে মুখভার করলো।).
Losing ground
(Be less acceptable, কম গ্রহণযোগ্য হওয়া) – The enemy is loosing ground.
Lose heart
(Be disheartened, হতাশ হওয়া) – They lost
heart at the death of their leader.
Lock, stock and barrel
(Entirely, সম্পূর্ণভাবে) – The office was
shifted from here lock or stock and barrel.
Long-winded (দীর্ঘ) – The audience
visibly appeared bored with his long-winded speech.
Look a gift horse in the mouth
(উপহারের সমালোচনা করা) – You should not say
that the book Mohan has gifted you are rubbish. It is
improper to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Look back on (স্মরণ করা) – It is
usually pleasant to look back on childhood memories.
Look dangers at someone
(কারোর দিকে রোষাকষায়িত হয়ে তাকানো) – What
have I done? Why are you looking dangerously at me?
Look every inch
(উপযুক্ত মনে করা) – He looks every inch a
Look forward to
(ঔৎসুকভাবে প্রতীক্ষা করা) – We are all
looking forward to your visit to Bombay.
Look out for (খোঁজে থাকা) – I am on
the look out for a good second-hand car.
Look up to (শ্রদ্ধ করা) – When
Gandhiji was alive everybody used to look up to him.
Lord it over (শাসন করা) – Try to be
independent. Don't let others lord over you.
Lose ground (পিছিয়ে পড়া) – To being
with he was ahead of others in the race; but later he lost
Lose one's cool
(ধৈর্যচ্যুতি হওয়া) – One should not lose
one's cool even in the most difficult situation.
Lose one's head
(ভারসাম্য হারানো) – You are of course in a
fix but still, you must not lose your head.
Lose one's touch
(কূশলতাচ্যুত হওয়া) – I'm afraid I will not
be able to play well anymore; I seem to have lost my touch.
অধিক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ
Lingua Franca – এটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ একটি idioms তাই
এটি ভালো করে মনে রাখুন। Lingua Franca এখানে দুটি শব্দ আছে
এবং তাদের মূল উৎস ইতালিয়ান ও পর্তুগিজ। এই phrase টি ১১শ শতক
থেকে আজ পর্যন্ত বহুল পরিচিত যা আন্তর্জাতিক বাণিজ্য ও
যোগাযোগের সাথে জড়িত। যখন কোথাও একাধিক ভাষার মানুষের মধ্যে
যোগাযোগ দরকার হয়; তখন সবাই যেন বুঝতে পারে এমন একটি ভাষার
প্রয়োজন হয়। আর এই ভাষাটিকে বলা হয় Lingua Franca। সুতরাং এটি
একটি ল্যাগুয়েজ। এই Phrase টির আরো বিকল্প কিছু নাম হলঃ Bridge
language, Common language, Trade language, Link language,
Auxiliary language, Vehicular language, Mixed language
Lachrymose (ল্যাকরিমস) nature – Prone to
tear, কান্না প্রবণ, খুব সহজেই কান্না করে এমন।
Lame excuse – Bad plea, বাজে ওজর, মিথ্যা
Lead story – সংবাদ শিরোনাম, Important news
Lend me your ears – মনোযোগ দেয়া।
Leave no stobe unturned – Try every
possible way, চেষ্টার ত্রুটি না করা।
Let something run its course – To let
something finish in its natural time.
Let the grass grow under his feet – সময়
অপচয় না করা, অযথা সময় নষ্ট না করা।
Let the things slide – Ignore, অজানা রাখা,
অবহেলা করা।
Life and death – জীবন মরণ চেষ্টা, ব্যাপক
উৎসাহ বা আগ্রহ নিয়ে কাজ করা।
Life and soul – Main support, জীবনে বেঁচে
থাকার প্রধান উপাদান।
Loaves and fishes – Personal gains, নিজস্ব
Logger heads – দা কুমড়া সম্পর্ক।
Long face – A sad face, বিমর্ষ চেহারা।
Lose heart – Be disheartened, হতাশ হওয়া।