Virgin soil (অনাবাদী জমি) – There is enough virgin
soil in the country.
Vexed question (বিতর্কিত অথচ অমীমাংসিত বিষয়) – This
is a vexed question and should not be lightly disposed of.
Vanish into the air (চিহ্ন না রেখে অদৃশ্য হয়ে যাওয়া – to disappear without leaving a
trace) – My money gets spent so fast. It seems to vanish into the air.
Various kinds of (নানা প্রকার – various) – He ate
various kinds of food.
Very few (কম সংখ্যক – a little) – Very few boys in
the class are as good as Hasan.
Vicious circle (দুষ্টচক্র-যেখানে একটার সমাধানে আরেকটি সমস্যা সৃষ্টি হয় – where problems
are never solved) – We are in a vicious circle trying to get ahead financially.
Vicious desires (ক্ষতিকর মানসিকতা – harmful-mentality) – He has vicious desires.
Victim of (বলি – sufferer) – He is a victim of fate.
/ He is a victim of circumstances.
View with (প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বিতা করা – compete with) –
They vied with one another for the job.
অধিক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ
Value judgement – judgement based on personal
views, ব্যক্তিত্ব নির্ণয়।
Vice versa – Orally, মৌখিক পরীক্ষা।
Vote rigging – Making vote forgery, ভোট জালিয়াতি করা।
Wear and tear (ব্যবহারজনিত ক্ষয়) – The Pyramids of
Egypt have stood the wear and tear of centuries.
Why and wherefore (সমস্ত কারণ, কার্য কারণ) – I know
the why and wherefore of the matter. / The student submitted in black and
white the. why and wherefore of his absence.
Wash one’s dirty linen in public (ঘরের কেচ্ছা প্রকাশ করা) – We felt very annoyed as the brothers started washing their dirty
linen in public.
Wild goose chase (পণ্ডশ্রম – a futile pursuit) – Please try to give up wild goose chase. / He wasted all afternoon
on a wild goose chase. / All the night they. looked for the thief who took
to his heels unwatched, and thus they made only a wild goose chase. / Your
attempt to teach such an unruly student is nothing but a wild goose chase.
Walk on air (ভীষণ সুখী হওয়া – to extremely happy) –
They walked on air after their marriage.
Watch out for (সতর্ক থাকা, নজর রাখা – be cautious) –
He must watch out for his enemy. / One thief went inside while the other
Waite d outside near the gate to watch out for the police.
Watery grave (সলিল সমাধি – to drown) – Tuhin met
with a watery grave. / Many passengers met watery grave because of a ship
Weal and woe (সুখ-দুঃখ – sorrow and happiness) –
Human life is full of weal and woe. / I shall help you in your weal and woe.
/ Weal and woe come by turns.
Well and good (ভালো, বেশ ভাল কথা – that is fine) –
If you want to go, well and good. / If you go there well and good, if you
donot go, I shall go.
Well off (স্বচ্ছল – well to do) – They are well off
to maintain their families. / His father is not well of.
Well up (দক্ষ, সুপণ্ডিত – skilled) – He is well up
in English. / Dr. Shaidullah was well-up in Bengali language.
White elephant (ব্যবসাপেক্ষ মালিকানা – a costly unprofitable undertaking or
possession) – At last the department proved to be a white elephant.
Whoop it up (হৈ হুল্লোড় করে উপভোগ করা – to enjoy oneself in a livelyway) – Hasan’s friend really whooped it up at his stag night.
Widow’s mite (দরিদ্রের ক্ষুদ্র দান – small contribution of a poor man) – They insult as if I were given window’s mite.
With a high/iron hand (দৃঢ়হস্তে – with authority, strictly) – Coming to power, the new government put down (দমন করা) the
rebellion with a high/iron hand.
With a vengeance (রাগান্বিত হয়ে কিছু করা – with anger) – Nasir is building that fence with a vengeance.
With a view to (জন্যে, উদ্দেশ্য – for) – He went to
market with a view to buying a book. / He came to our house with a view to
meeting me. / She came to me with a view to seeing (see) me.
With flying colours (বিজয় বা জয়ের সাথে – with success or victory) – He passed the examination with flying colours. / The team returned
from the stadium with flying colours.
With one accord (একমত হয়ে – in agreement) – They
supported me with one accord. / The secretary of the committee proposed this
with one accord. / They finished the meeting with one accord.
With one voice (সবাই এক সাথে, একবাক্যে, সমস্বরে – all together) – They
accepted my proposal with one voice. / Everybody in the meeting supported
the proposal with one voice. / The people supported the leader with one
With open arms (সাদরে – enthusiastically) – I was
received with open arms when I went there.
With regard to (বিবেচনায়, ব্যাপারে – in consideration) – We should try
to be self-reliant with regard to our food gains. / We should try to be
self-reliant with regard to our food gains.
Within ear-short (শ্রবণশক্তির নাগালের মধ্যে – within one’s hearing) – As the
teacher is not within the ear-shot of all the students in the class, he has
to speak in a loud voice.
Without delay (অবিলম্বে – soon) – Finish the work
without delay.
Word for word (অক্ষরে অক্ষরে – in the exact) –
That’s precisely what he told me, word for word.
Work one’s fingers to the bone (চরম কঠোরভাবে চেষ্টা করা – to work extremely hard) – His mother
worked her fingers to the bone to send him to university.
Worthwhile (উপযুক্ত বা উপযোগী – suitable) – His
sincerity in this matter was worthwhile.
Wash one's hand of (দায়িত্ব পালন শেষ করা) – I don't
think anything is going to come off your programme of going for a trek so
I wash my hands of it.
Waste one's breath (অনর্থক চেষ্টা করা) – Don't argue
with Harish any longer. You only wasting your breath.
Ways and means (উপায়) – He tried heart and soul to find
out ways and means of earning.
Wear and tear (ক্ষয়ক্ষতি) – The machines have their
wear and tear.

Well equipped (সুসজ্জিত) – The human body is will
equipped to adapt itself to the environment in which it lives.
Well to do (স্বচ্ছল) – He comes of a well to do family.
What not (আরও কত কি) – She bought a pen, a pencil, an
eraser and what not.
white lie (সৎ উদ্দশ্যে মিথ্যা বলা) – The boy told white
lie to escape punishment.
What not (ইত্যাদি) – She went to the market on a
shopping and bought shirts, Socks, ties and what not.
What's what (কোন পরিস্থিতিতে কি প্রয়োজন) – He is an
intelligent person and knows what's what.
Wheels within wheels
(জটিল কাজকে আরো জটিল করে ফেলা) – To begin with I could tackle
this job, but then I found that there were wheels within wheels.
Wide awake (পুরোপুরি জেগে থাকা) – I thought Manmohan
was asleep. But as I talked of the plan for a film he got up wide awake.
Wide of the mark (লক্ষ্যভ্রষ্ট হওয়া) – His argument
sounds impressive, but is wide of the mark.
With a will (আগ্রহ সহকারে) – He started his journey
with a will.
With a grain of salt (খানিকটা বাদ দেওয়া) – My report on
the incident was published with a grain of salt.
With a high hand (কঠোরভাবে) – The demand of the workers
was suppressed with a high hand.
With a good grace (হাসিমুখে) – Everybody accepted the
proposal with a good grace.
With a lavish hand (মুক্ত হাতে) – Md Mohsin helped the
poor with a lavish hand.
With the exception of (ব্যতিত) – Everybody was present
in the meeting with the exception of Hasib.
With one foot in the grave (জীবনের শেষে) – The old man
moves with one foot in the grave.
With the sweat of one's brow
(মাথার ঘাম পায়ে ফেলা) – One has to earn one's livelihood with
the sweat of one's brow.
With might and main (যথাশক্তি) – I shall try might and
main to help you.
With an eye to (পাওয়ার আশায়) – He reads more with an
eye to get a good job.
Without fail (অবশ্যই) – You must attend the meeting
without fail.
Without issue (নিঃসন্তান) – He died without issue.
Without foundation (ভিত্তিহীন) – Don't suspect anyone
without foundation.
With reference to (সম্পর্কে) – He said many things but
nothing with reference to our going to a picnic.
With an eye to (লক্ষ্য রেখে) – She started a business with
an eye to handsome payoffs.
Widow's weed (বিধবার বেশ) – She looked mournful in her
widow's weed.
With might and main (পুরো শক্তি প্রয়োগ করে) – They
pushed the huge rock with might and main and cleared the way.
With bated breath (অত্যন্ত উৎসুক হয়ে) – They all waited
with bated breath for the election results.
Within an ace (প্রায় নিকটবর্তী) – He was within an ace
of being killed by the tiger.
Wolf in sheep's clothing
(বন্ধুত্বের মুখোশে শত্রু) – Beware of Suresh. He is a wolf in
sheep's clothing.
World of good (খুব ভাল প্রভাব পড়া) – This ayurvedic
medicine has done me a world of good to my stomach problem.
Worn out (খোঁজ খবর জেনে নেওয়া) – The spy pretended to be his
friend and tried to worn his secret out of him.
Worship the rising sun
(উদীয়মান সূর্যকে প্রণাম করা) – The newly appointed manager has
taken over and the staff has been worshipping rising sun.
World of good (যথেষ্ট উপকারে) – You advice did me a world of
World of pains (অনেক দুর্গতি) – I took a world of pains
to complete the job.
Worth while (যোগ্য প্রাপ্তি) – His sincerity in this
matter was worth while.
Wrong side of (ঊর্ধ্বে) – His father is now on the
wrong side of eighty five.
অধিক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ
(give) Wide Berth – Keep away from/ দূরে থাকা।
Wash one's hands of – দায় বা সংশ্লিষ্টতা অস্বীকার করা।
Wash your dirty linen in public – জনসম্মুখে ব্যক্তিগত বিষয়
নিয়ে আলোচনা করা।
Watch out – Be cautious, সতর্ক হওয়া।
Weal and woe – Joy and sorrow, সুখ-দুঃখ।
Wear and tear – depreciation, ব্যবহারজনিত ক্ষয়, মূল্যহ্রাস,
ব্যবসার ভাষায় অবচয়।
Wear your heart on your sleeve – নিজের অনুভূতি অন্যের কাছে
স্পষ্ট করে দেওয়া, Allowing others to see one's feeling
Weed out – To get rid of, মুক্ত হওয়া।
White collar job – Job without manual labour, শারিরীক শ্রম
বিহীন কাজ।
White elephant – ব্যয়সাপেক্ষ মালিকানা, Costly unprofitable
Widow's mite – Small contribution of a poor man, গরিবের
ক্ষুদ্র দান।
Wild goose chase – A work without success/ Useless pursuit,
ব্যর্থ চেষ্টা।
Wipe out – Annihilate, পরিপূর্ণরূপে ধ্বংস হওয়া।
With a grain of – পুরোপুরি গ্রহন না করা।
With a view to – উদ্দেশ্য।
With flying colors – ভাল ফলাফল নিয়ে বিজয়ী হওয়া, বিজয়ী হওয়া।
With open arms – Warmly, খোলাহাতে, মনখোলা হাতে, সাদরে গ্রহণ
Within a single generation – A short time, সংক্ষিপ্ত সময়।
Without fail – সর্বদা, অবশ্যই, ব্যর্থতা ছাড়াই।
Without issue – childless/ have no children/ no offspring,
Women of colour – Black women
Worth his salt – A highly paid worker, উচ্চ পারিশ্রমিক প্রাপ্ত
Year after year (বছরের পর বছর – for many years) – We
have been living here year after year.
Year by year (বছর বছর – every year) – Fashions
change year by year.
Year in year out (প্রতি বছর নিয়মিত – regularly each year) – They go India year
in year out.
Yellow dog (হীনচেতা লোক / হীনব্যক্তি – timid) – A yellow dog is liked by none. / He is a yellow
Yeoman’s service (অনবদ্য দান – powerful aid) –
Sher-e-Bangla did Yeoman’s service for education.
Zealous of (আগ্রহী – interested in) – He is zealous
of me.
Zero in on (সঠিকভাবে লক্ষ্য করা – to aim accurately for something or wants etc.) – The journalists zeroed in on the filmstar as she stepped off the