Make sure (ঠিক জানা) – First make sure whether he will
help you in time of need.
Matter of course (আসলে) – The earth as a matter, of
course, moves around the sun.
Modus operandi (সাধারণ কর্মপন্থা) – Detectives analyze the modus operandi of serial killers in order to figure out how their minds work and predict where they will strike next.
Move heaven and earth (প্রাণপণ চেষ্টা চালানো) – He
moved heaven and earth to achieve his target.
Mare’s nest (ঘোড়ার ডিম) – His discovery, at last,
turned out to be mare’s nest.
Make up (স্থির করা, মিটিয়ে দেয়া, গঠন) – As his
father had lost, he could not make up his mind to his office work. / Life
is made of sorrows and happiness.
Maiden speech (First speech, প্রথম বক্তৃতা) – His maiden
speech fell flat on the audience.
Maiden name (বিবাহিতার বিবাহ পূর্ব নাম) – What is
the maiden name of Mr. Kapur?
Make headway (Make progress, উন্নতি করা) – When will
education make headway in our country?
Make an example of one (উদাহরণ স্বরপ শাস্তি) – The
manager sacked the arrogant employee and made an example of him.
Make both ends meet (কোনো মতে বেঁচে থাকা) – He earns
barely enough to make both ends meet.

Make good one's escape (পালাতে সক্ষম হওয়া) – The
thief broke loose and made good his escape.
Make good (ক্ষতিপূরণ) – I shall make good the loss.
Make haste (তাড়াতাড়ি করা) – Make haste, else you
will miss the train.
Make a hash (গোলমাল পাকানো) – Don't meddle in my
cooking. You will make a hash of everything.
Make a mountain of a molehill
(বাড়িয়ে চড়িয়ে দেখানো) – This job will not take you more
than a few minutes. So don't make a mountain of a molehill.
Make money (অর্থ সঞ্চয়) – His aim is only to make
Make it a rule (নিয়ম করা) – You must make it a rule
to study eight hours a day.
Make a big thing of (বাড়িয়ে বলা) – Everyone's
motherland is the best in the world. So there is no need to make a thing of
Make a clean breast of (ত্রুটি স্বীকার) – The
criminal made a clean breast of the matter.
Make a clean beast of something
(সবকিছু বলে দেওয়া) – The accused made a clean breast of
Make one's mark (নাম প্রতিষ্ঠিত করা) – He made his
mark in the field of education.
Make room (জায়গা করা) – Please make room for me to
sit down.
Make a point (কোনো বিষয়ে সিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়া) – I make
it a point of buying a new book every month.
Make a virtue of necessity
(লোক দেখানো কর্তব্য পালন করা) – Knowing that the landlord
was about to drive him out he vacated the house himself Thus making a
virtue of necessity.
Make an example of (উদাহরণ দেওয়া) – I must make an
example of behaving in the same rude manner as he does others.
Make amends for
(ক্ষতিপূরণ করা/ ক্ষতিপূর্তি করা) – By his good deed today
he has made amends for past misbehaviour.
Make away with (গোপনে সের পড়া) – The thief made away
with a thousand rupees.
Make belief (বিশ্বাস করানো) – The little girl made
believe that she was a princess.
Make bold to (সাহসিকতাপূর্ণ কাজ) – We made bold to
call directory on the minister to present our memorandum of demands.
Make common cause with
(কোনো কাজে কাউকে সাহায্য করা) – I will make a common cause
with you in your efforts to eradicate the evil of casteism from the country.
Make fun of (কাউকে উপহাসের পাত্র করা) – Anita had
made very fun of her hairdo for the party and everything made fun of it.
Make hay while the sun shines
(পরিস্থিতির লাভ ওঠানো) – When business was good he worked
hard and made money; he believe in making hay while the sun shines.
Make it up with (মিটিয়ে নেওয়া) – I had quarrelled
with Ram yesterday, but now I have made it up with him.
Make light of (বিশেষ গুরুত্ব না দেওয়া) – Although Rakib
had committed a serious mistake in the ledger yet he tried to make light of
Make much of (অত্যন্ত গুরুত্ব দেওয়া) – Every mother
makes much of her children.
Make neither head nor tail
(কিছুই না বুঝতে পারা) – He was so confused that I could
make neither head nor tail of what he said.
Make no bones About (সোজাসুজি বলে দেওয়া) – She made
no bones about her mistake for mathematics.
Make off with? (অগোচরে পালিয়ে যাওয়া) – The
thief made off with a thousand rupees.
Make one fire (সাহসিক কাজ করা) – I am amazed at your
capacity for hard work and I wonder what makes you fine.
Make their mouth water (মুখে জল আনা) – As I was
hungry the sight of cakes made my mouth water.
Make oneself at home
(নিজের ঘরের মতনই নিঃসংকোচে) – Please make yourself at home,
there is no need to be formal.
Make oneself scarce (চলে যাওয়া) – Don't trouble me.
Make yourself scarce.
Make the best of
(প্রতিকূল পরিস্থিতিতে থেকেও সুবিধা নেওয়া) – If we cannot
find a larger apartment we will continue living here and make the best of
what we have.
Make the best of a bad bargain
(যথাসম্ভব লাভ ওঠানো) – As the cloth was little damaged, I
got it very cheap; thus making the best of a bad bargain.
Make up for (ক্ষতিপূরণ করা) – You will have to make
up for the loss you have caused.
Make up one's mind (ভেবেচিন্তে কাজ করা) – Have you
made up your minds about my proposal to go to Simla this summer?
Make up to (খোশামোদ করা) – Ramakrishna has been
making up to the manager in the hope of promotion.
Man in a thousand (হাজারে এক) – I like Ramesh very
much, in my opinion, he is a man in a thousand.
Man on the moon (অমাবস্যার চাঁদ) – What about you?
You seem to have become a man on the moon nowadays.
Man of parts (বিভিন্ন গুণে গুণী ব্যক্তি) – He is a
singer, a dancer and a musician; in short a man of parts.
Man in the street
(Ordinary man, সাধারণ ব্যক্তি) – Even a main in the street
can understand this.
Man of one's word
(Keep one's promise, Trustworthy, এক কথার মানুষ) – He is a
man of his word.
Man of the world (বৈষয়িক লোক) – A man of the world
is always guided by interest.
Man of straw (অপদার্থ) – Everybody dislikes a man of
Man of letters (বিদ্বান লোক) – He is a man of
Meet one half way (সমঝোতা করা) – U cannot accept,
but I am prepared to meet you halfway.
Meet one's waterloo
(Accept final and crushing defeat, চূড়ান্ত পরাজয় বরণ করা) – Mr Varma met his waterloo in the contest of the presidentship
of the party.
Measure one's length (টান টান হয়ে যাওয়া) – As she
walked on the slippery street, she measured her length on the
Milk and water (Dull, একঘেয়ে) – His performance was
of milk and water kind.
Milk and honey (Abundance, প্রাচুর্য) – formerly our
country flowed with milk and honey.
Miss the bus/boat
(Lose the opportunity, সুযোগ হারানো) – You missed the bus
in your absence.
Mince matters
(Speak softly in condemning, মোলায়েমভাবে নিন্দা করা) – I
did not mince matters in condemning his action.
Mind one's own business
(নিজের চরকায় তেল দেওয়া) – Please mind your business.
Middle age (মধ্য বয়স) – Although he is middle-aged yet he
quite looks Young.
Milk of human kindness (দয়াভাব) – She is full of the
milk of human kindness.
Moot point
(An undecided matter, অমীমাংসিত বিষয়) – Dowry system is
still a moot point in India.
Move heaven to earth
(Try one's best, Make the utmost efforts, যথাসাধ্য চেষ্টা করা) – I moved heaven to earth to save him.
More often than not (অধিকাংশ সময়) – More often than
not we forget to observe the earth's rules.
More or less (কমবেশি) – More or less he is
Muster strong
(Come together in groups, দলে দলে একত্র হওয়া) – When people
heard about the president's visit to their village, they understand strong
to greet him.
অধিক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ
A man of letters / A man of parts – A man of letters এর
মানে বিদ্বান, পণ্ডিত, জ্ঞানী, মেধাবী ব্যক্তি আর A man of parts মানে একজন
ব্যক্তির অনেকগুলো গুণ থাকা। অর্থাৎ দুটি phrase প্রায় একই অর্থ নির্দেশ
Maiden speech/ Maiden voyages/ Maiden century – এখানে
Maiden speech শব্দটি ব্যবহৃত হয় যখন কোন British Parliament Member উক্ত
পার্লামেন্টে তার প্রথম বক্তৃতা দেয়। আসলে Maiden অর্থ প্রথম/1st কোন কাজ করা।
যেমন— Maiden voyages মানে ১ম যাত্রা আর Maiden century মানে ১ম শতক
Mad about – মরিয়া হয়ে কোনো বিষয়ে মনোযোগ বা নজর দেওয়া।
Make friends with (sb) – কারো সাথে বন্ধুত্ব করা, বন্ধু
Man does not live by bread alone – Man needs other things
too/ বেঁচে থাকার জন্যে মানুষের খাদ্য ব্যতিত আরো অন্যান্য অনেক কিছুর দরকার
Man wicked – (হাড়ে হাড়ে বা সম্পূর্ণভাবে বজ্জাত বা খারাপ)
যেমন: সে হাড়ে হাড়ে বা সম্পূর্ণভাবে একজন বজ্জাত বা খারাপ লোক। He is a man of
Meet one's waterloo – Finally and crashingly defeated in a
contest অর্থাৎ পুরোপুরি বা সম্পূর্ণভাবে কোনো প্রতিযোগিতায় চূড়ান্তরূপে
পরাজিত/ পরাস্ত হওয়া।
Moot point – An undecided matter বা অমিমাংসিত/বিবাদের বিষয়।
Move heaven to earth – Try one's best to make the utmost
efforts/যথাসাধ্য চেষ্টা করা।
Men of light and leading – Renowned man অর্থাৎ খ্যাতিমান ও
Make out – প্রতিপাদন করা বা প্রমাণ করা; যা prove দ্বারা
প্রকাশ পায়।